Hello Meteor with Coffeescript

Meteor is a javascript framework that is worlds apart from any web framework I have worked with before! If you aren’t familiar with Meteor then I suggest that you take a few minutes to watch the screencast bellow that explains the framework better than I could in this post!

Interested now? If you are then read on to see how I got meteor working with coffeescript!

First Meteor App

First things first. We need to get meteor up and running. Now, as of this post there is no homebrew recipe for meteor but there is a pull request. If you want to see that happen then please contribute! Until them, we can use the snippet show in the screencast to install meteor

Install Meteor

>: curl install.meteor.com | /bin/sh

Once you have meteor installed you can create a skeleton by running the meteor create command

Create Your App

>: meteor create FirstApp

Now, you have your app created but I like to use coffeescript. Well, meteor has the ability to install small packages that can give you customized and extended functionality so we will be installing the meteor coffeescript package.

Install Meteor’s Coffeescript Package

>: meteor add coffeescript

This will install the coffeescript package to meteor and add ‘coffeescript’ to you .meteor/packages file inside of you app’s directory!

FirstApp.js to FirstApp.coffee

You will need to change the file extension of your FirstApp.js file to .coffee. Altogether, your app should look like this

root = global ? window
if root.Meteor.isClient
  root.Template.hello.greeting = ->
    "Welcome to FirstApp."
  root.Template.hello.events = "click input": ->
    alert "You pressed the button"

That is all the code you need! Meteor automatically serves us the js libraries you need to make the app run along with libraries like JQuery and Underscore!

Fire Up the App

>: meteor

That is all you need! Meteor will now be running on http://localhost:3000. Open your browser there to checkout your app. All changes to your code and automatically hot-deployed to all running instances. So, I encourage you to try this out and contribute. Who knows where something like this could take us!